IT HApPEn A MoNth Ago
WhEn I WAs In THe Gym
i WAs Playin With The dumBEll
mY hands Was coVEr In Sweet
aNd It HAPPEn IN A BLINk OF an Eye
the DUmBEll Slip HAnd And landed on my toe
I Rush To THE clinic in my area
and the doctor giv some medicine
After two weeks the injury seems to be fine but
there was a lump next to the injury and first
i thought was nothing
but for the next few days my feet start bleeding rapidly and
oosing out some liquid i became uncomfortable
with the feeling but i did not care untill
i hav find out my left leg's big toenail has grown in
the flesh and the pain was unbareable
so i decided to take on a operation of removing my toenails from the flesh of my toe
It has been over 3days i decided the operation
but i did not know the time sundden been push to
2molo 5 of june at 8.30am
wish me good luck all
and may the gods bless me
hopefully there will be any senario's will come out