Friday, June 26, 2009

GOODBYE micheal JAckson

Tribute to micheal jackson 'king of pop'

May u rest in peace

Thursday, June 4, 2009


IT HApPEn A MoNth Ago
WhEn I WAs In THe Gym
i WAs Playin With The dumBEll
mY hands Was coVEr In Sweet
aNd It HAPPEn IN A BLINk OF an Eye
the DUmBEll Slip HAnd And landed on my toe
I Rush To THE clinic in my area
and the doctor giv some medicine
After two weeks the injury seems to be fine but
there was a lump next to the injury and first
i thought was nothing
but for the next few days my feet start bleeding rapidly and
oosing out some liquid i became uncomfortable
with the feeling but i did not care untill
i hav find out my left leg's big toenail has grown in
the flesh and the pain was unbareable
so i decided to take on a operation of removing my toenails from the flesh of my toe
It has been over 3days i decided the operation
but i did not know the time sundden been push to
2molo 5 of june at 8.30am
wish me good luck all
and may the gods bless me
hopefully there will be any senario's will come out


party in bintang plaza
well in the afternoon
me an cg(chong gi)
do and bought a cake
after that we go to parkson to wait for the others
WE WAited till melvin came and we
go shopping
on the way a met michelle
and she decide to follow
we kumpul money to buy gift for the 2 dday girls
sfter that me ,cg and mk go try on some clothes
I bought come clothes
and a pair of new shoes
after that we all go watch movie
and celebrate the bday party in pizza hut
the pruff is bottom of this

Picture FrOm THe PArTy